We are a free and independent complaints service. If you have a complaint about your phone or internet, talk to TDR.
Get in touch with TDR to get started: - Free phone 0508 98 98 98 - contact@tdr.org.nz - Use our online form
Our service is free for consumers. TDR helps over 3,000 Kiwis a year.There is no cost, so give us a try!
We resolve complaints about products and services from TDR members. Some areas we help with are: - Bills and charges - Customer service - Faults and network - Contracts
TDR can help with disputes involving vulnerable consumers under the 111 Contact Code. We can assist: - Customers of all home phone service providers - If the matter is unresolved 5 working days after you raised a dispute with your provider
Consumers can complain to TDR under the Copper Withdrawal Code. You can complain if: - You have received a letter from Chorus- The matter is unresolved 5 working days after you raised a dispute with Chorus
We can assist with complaints about products or services from these telecommunications providers.Click here to read a list of our members.