• TDR helps you sort it out

    1 Talk to TDR

    Tell us about your complaint

    1 Talk to TDR

    Tell us about your complaint

    We’ll listen and we’ll explain how TDR can help.

    We’ll let your provider know about your complaint so you can work together to resolve it. 

    Most complaints are resolved at this stage. A little help from TDR can often make a big difference. 

  • TDR gets you talking

    2 Facilitation

    Find a solution through conversation.

    2 Facilitation

    Find a solution through conversation.

    Our team will ask questions to help you clarify issues, identify options you want to talk about with your provider, and help you work out what you think will resolve the issue. 

    TDR will then consider our jurisdiction to check if we can help further. 

  • 3 Mediation

    Collaborate and reach an agreement

    3 Mediation

    Collaborate and reach an agreement

    If the complaint is within jurisdiction, a mediator will help you and your provider to explore the complaint and solutions.

  • TDR makes a decision

    4 Adjudication

    TDR considers your complaint.

    4 Adjudication

    TDR considers your complaint.

    If you don’t reach an agreement together, TDR will make a decision based on the information provided. If you accept the decision, your provider must follow the directions within the decision.

    If you are not happy with the outcome you can go to Court or the Disputes Tribunal. 

  • Need some extra assistance?

    TDR is committed to accessibility and meeting diverse needs

    If you have any special requirements (for example if English is your second language, or if you have vision or hearing problems) you should let TDR know as soon as possible so we can make suitable arrangements. For example, TDR can arrange an interpreter or take a tikanga-based approach to mediation.