Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Limited (TDRL) has today released its 2024 Annual report, covering the period 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024. The full Report can be found on the TDR website.
“This Annual Report is the first since the significant governance changes were implemented in 2023, including the establishment of Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Limited as an independent entity to run the Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Scheme.
“The Annual Report reflects a big year for the organisation, both in relation to the dispute resolution work and the ongoing evolution of the organisation” said TDRL Chair, Barry Jordan.
Over the year, TDR responded to 3460 complaints, broadly in line with complaint volumes for the previous year. Over the year 51 complaints were determined to be outside of jurisdiction, a reduction of 46% on the previous year.
Of those complaints, 96.4% of complaints were resolved by the customer and provider after accessing the scheme. Of the 115 that required further TDR involvement, specialist TDR practitioners were able to close them either through mediated settlement (65) or adjudication (50).
Billing related issues continued to be the top cause of complaints to TDR (1750 complaints), followed by Customer Service issues (578 complaints).
“It was incredibly encouraging to see such positive feedback about the scheme from both consumers and members, including 89% of consumers stating that they were satisfied or very satisfied with their experience engaging with TDR and 90% of members stating that they felt comfortable contacting the TDR team for assistance if required” said TDRL CEO, Herman Visagie.
The report also noted ongoing work to support awareness of the scheme, improving consumer accessibility, and knowledge sharing through sector engagement and the publication of case studies.
Annual report
You can find the full report here:
For more info
For further information or comment, please contact TDRL CEO Herman Visagie on or 021 280 9320.