Complaint summary
The Customer’s internet stopped working, so they contacted their Retail Service Provider. The Retail Service Provider arranged a technician from the Wholesale Provider who restored the Customer’s internet connection. The technician noted damage to the cable and the Wholesale Provider claims the Customer is liable for the network damage repair charges. The Customer is disputing the charges of $626.14 from the Wholesale Provider. The Customer advised the technician did not inform them of any charges before proceeding with the work and does not accept responsibility for the cable damage.
The Retail Service Provider advised they are a third party to this complaint, as this is a fault with the cable that the Wholesale Service Provider have billed to the Customer directly as part of the fibre service agreement.
Jurisdiction decision
This complaint was deemed within jurisdiction as it was largely about customer service, terms and conditions and expectations. The Wholesale Provider suggested this complaint was outside the Customer Complaints Code under Code Exclusion: 18.1.5. if it relates to the level of charges Providers choose to set. However, this complaint was not about the level of charges but whether the charges should have been made at all given the Wholesale Provider provided no notice of the charges. It also appears that the Customer did not receive the first account notice. While this complaint was largely against the Wholesale Provider, the Retail Service Provider had to be a party to the complaint.